
Get detail about History of Mobile Phones



Mobile is one of accessory which becomes important part of our lives. Mobile phones were originally designed to be carried by people while driving.


Today you will take a look at the history of mobile phones and explain where the future of mobile phones lies.



How were the phones invented



 Invention of Mobile Phones 


Invention of Mobile starts with the Motorola DynaTAC 800x. It cost about $ 4,000 and had 30 minutes of talk time. The length was also 1 meter.


Despite the large size of the phone, it was still considered the best mobile phone ever made. For the first time in history, humans have been able to call someone without the restrictions of cable or cell phone owners.


For example, in 1908, a man claimed to have invented the cordless phone. He was accused of fraud because the man was considered very insane because of his time. The accusation was later withdrawn.


Radio-based mobile phone


Do you want to know Who Invented Iphone, then read below?


Then, in 1924, a cordless phone was tested on a train running between Berlin and Hamburg.


During World War II, military forces around the world used wireless links. Since 1940, portable radio receivers have become widely available, enabling communication on battlefields around the world.


All of these technologies have encouraged Bell Labs researchers to create mobile phone systems for vehicles. This system allows users to make and receive calls from inside the car.


Ultimately, AT & T and Bell Labs will introduce cellular technology to allow multiple reuses of frequencies in areas covered by low-power transmitters. With this, mobile phones were more than just a dream. It was an economically viable product that would bring revenue to Bell and AT & T.


In short-term experiments, mobile phones were not widely used. It was a niche product that attracted only a few consumers in the city.


But cell phone seeds were planted in the hearts of Americans.


AT & T mobile phone service


In 1949, AT & T launched a service called Mobile Phone Service. This service was mentioned earlier as part of the mobile phone section of the car. This mobile service was initially available only in St. Louis. However, by 1948, the service was available in about 100 cities.


With this service, an estimated 5,000 clients made about 30,000 calls each week. Each call had to be manually connected by the operator. This system worked the same as Walkie-Talkie. I had to press a button on the phone to speak and release it to hear.


If the vehicle needed a mobile phone service, it would have to be equipped with about 36 kg of equipment.


Other limitations of this system are:


Only three wireless channels were available. This meant that in any city, only three customers could be called at a time.


It was expensive, costing about $ 15 a month and $ 0.30 to $ 0.40 per local call. Today's dollars range from $ 4 to $ 4.50 per local call, close to $ 200 per month.